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Can Christians even have therapists ? WWJD? : A Christian Clinician’s perspective on Christians pursuing therapy

Sheridan Tennant-Straube

Young man looking into the distance wondering if a Christian can have a therapist.

This question makes me smile. To me it’s like asking if Christians can get pedicures (the answer is OF COURSE by the way). And I’ll prove to you that Jesus would applaud you, too.

As a clinician it has been my sole purpose to bridge the gap between people of faith, specifically Christians, and mental health treatment. There is such a lack of clarity around reconciling that Jesus has redeemed, saved, and cleansed you at salvation, and the fact that you can still have “unfinished business” in your mind, and emotions.

The simple truth is, YES Jesus’ work in you was complete at salvation. The struggles with anxiety, depression, self esteem issues or triggering trauma responses are not an indication that your salvation is “broken.” It simply points to the fact that while your spirit got saved, your soul and mind need some assistance in aligning with this new self as you are still a human on this messy planet. 

Just so you know I’m not making this up, let’s turn to the Word:

Philippians 2:12 says to “keep on working to complete your salvation and do it with fear and trembling.” So- as much as salvation is a distinct one time complete act, the process of developing and working out this new self  takes the course of your lifetime. And we are to approach that journey with such respect, care and reverence - as it is an endeavor to draw ever closer and more like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Aiming to be just like Him on this earth is not to be taken lightly and clearly any unfinished business and limiting mindsets cannot remain our default settings if our aim is to represent Him. 

Romans 12:2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Notice it says the renewing of your mind. As in, this is an active ongoing process - as a man thinks so is he (Proverbs 23:7) so you don’t get to just ignore those unproductive, condemning, judgmental mindsets — they need to be actively addressed, processed, and replaced with what the Word says. 

Proverbs 11:14- “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.” MANY advisers (counselors). That means you don’t just sit home alone or talk to that one best friend you’re only close to because of your shared trauma histories. Counsel is to be intentionally sought and it’s ok to have a team of advisers- someone for your mental health, a mentor for your professional development, a spiritual mentor who’s gone ahead of you on your particular journey. We need Godly guidance!

Just because you love the Lord, go to church regularly, pray daily and read your Word does not mean there isn’t some work to be done around renewing your mind, changing your self concept to align with God's Word and decidedly addressing head-on the areas of your past that will definitely continue to try and keep their stronghold. So, yes, you can love Jesus and experience anxiety and depression. You can still get triggered around people that remind you of your abusive parent. It’s all still very real. The difference is, you have a leg up on the therapy process: You have the Holy Spirit as an inner guide to expedite your healing!

My work with Christian clients who know the Word is almost always wrapped up quicker than with my clients without this internal support. While I walk them through the therapeutic journey of deconstructing fears, processing traumatic memories or forgiving someone who caused harm, the beautiful thing is we can also incorporate scriptures that speak to who they are, and believe God for His divine wisdom and insight. This makes for an incredibly thorough healing process and those clients tend to not return to me once the work is done — because The Great Physician stays with them! 

So can you have Jesus and a therapist ?! I sure hope so or I’m going to need a back up career !

The same way you’d not neglect your annual physicals or check-ins with a medical specialist for a particular body ailment (or so I hope..), there’s no reason to treat mental health support any differently. We still believe God is the ultimate source of our well-being, but doing your part to take good care of you- spirit, soul, and body- with the resources and avenues He’s provided - is your responsibility.

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