Ok- is having a six pack a requirement for entry into heaven? No. There is nothing in the Bible that says thou shalt do burpees (thank you Jesus!) BUT- it is my firm belief that every child of God that arrives at Heaven's gates having prematurely died from illnesses that were preventable or at least controllable with proper diet, rest, and yes good old fashioned exercise hurts God’s heart and robs the earth of necessary gifts.
I know I’m going to take flack for these next several statements but I guess that’s why God gave me the big shoulders. It has to be said: it is not okay to profess a bold vibrant faith and love for Jesus Christ and be intentionally (NOT to be confused with those struggling with medical conditions beyond their control and efforts) unhealthy and struggling to function because of it. It’s a poor witness, it’s damaging to your body- His temple - and it’s an avenue for the enemy to take you out early or at the very least significantly slow you down. This is not about anyone’s size or weight because at the end of the day, “skinny” folks get heart attacks and have clogged arteries too.
As a personal trainer for several years- I have had the amazing joy of watching people literally transform their lives and do things they never thought possible after even a brief time of committed self loving positive action. It is a direct reflection of your love, or lack thereof, for yourself how you carry yourself on this planet. But also, I know firsthand that when you know better, you do better. So my job is to get you in the KNOW.
Let me note here explicitly again, health does not have a number on a scale. I personally know people who top my weight but could run circles around me - literally and figuratively- in various fitness feats. This is about taking a moment to deeply and honestly consider: Does my body look like the temple of the Holy Spirit? Am I eating like I love myself and want to live long to do God's work? Am I honoring His temple by getting some movement in every day to keep heart disease at bay? Am I going to my MD appointments on time to intentionally confirm that everything is functioning at tip top capacity — and if it’s not —am I taking the necessary counter measures to regain control and balance ?
Enough with my musings let’s get to the scriptures so I don’t seem entirely unhinged to you all-
”Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have [received as a gift] from God, and that you are not your own [property]? You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honor and glorify God with your body.“ 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 AMP
Takeaway: Your body isn’t yours once you hand it back to Jesus! You don’t get to treat it, feed it, adorn it any old kind of way!
”But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.“Galatians 5:22-23 AMP
Takeaway: You prove whose you are by the fruit you bear. That last pesky fruit - self control - has a lot to do with setting disciplined limits around our behavior to honor God. If your eating or other area of discipline in your health maintenance is out of control - then that’s not showing self control.
”Have you found [pleasure sweet like] honey? Eat only as much as you need, Otherwise, being filled excessively, you vomit it.“ Proverbs 25:16 AMP
Takeaway- Food was really never meant to be some reward, some abused and overused element in our world: food is fuel - delicious fuel- but fuel nonetheless. We are to eat until satisfied, NOT stuffed. If you find you can’t stop eating after your body clearly tells you it’s had enough — what’s that really about? What else is actually hungry on the inside ???
”For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.“ 1 Timothy 4:8 AMP
Takeaway- God is brilliant. He knows the right order of things. Yes, working out is important (you read it yourself - it is of some value !) but I know plenty of folks with svelt bodies and broken souls and starved spirits. No matter what amount of fitness routine you adhere to ultimately, it is of course not a replacement for ensuring your TRUE self - the inner self where Jesus resides and reigns - is truly whole.
At the end of the day, if I had to choose between having a rich inner self - strong and mighty in God and thriving in the spirit, OR some supermodel body, I would absolutely go with option one, because even my best gym efforts will eventually give way to the worms when I am dead and gone. BUT- the beautiful and true thing is, we DON'T have to choose, furthermore- we are encouraged to have it ALL operating in rich healthy abundance - spirit soul AND body- let’s read to conclude:
”May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.“ 1 Thessalonians 5:23 NIV
Spirit, soul AND body- Zoe life - everything operating in harmonious abundant well being - life as God intended it. So if you could be living strong in all areas with little to no access for the enemy to shortchange your life in any area- the question is- why wouldn’t you want to?
Sheri snapshot - I absolutely can’t sit here and preach this without giving you a window into my life and how I try to make this my reality. So if you don’t already know I’m a nearly 40 mom of a 2 and half year old and a nearly 1 year old. I work full time, and I’ve got a baby marriage (just about 4 years!) WHEW! But I’ve been determined to take good care of myself in the midst of all of these demands on my attention and time because I’m the only mom and wife these precious folks have. My protecting 30 minutes a day to run through a workout video on YouTube or plop the girls into the double stroller and power walk the neighborhood is my way of blessing and loving them! Do I enjoy my ice cream, Oreos or chips and salsa like everyone else? Heck yea! I just know that this body isn’t mine- I represent Christ and I’ve been born with the purpose of motivating others to take their lives seriously in practical, sustainable ways. Do I get it perfect every week? Of course not! Most workouts include chasing my girls, splitting up their baby fights, pausing to change a poopy diaper or wipe a runny nose while my husband corrals the other. Crunches and pushups instantly invite Zoe sitting on my belly or back (I’ve learned many ways to work out WITH at least one kid attached to me). It’s all about the effort - messy, imperfect and honestly knowing when what’s been done just has to be good enough. The idea is just to be intentional regularly.
Now- onto the how. Rome wasn’t built in a day and new healthy habits don’t develop overnight. All you need is one step in the right direction at a time. Swap water for soda and whole grain bread for bagels and cream cheese. Start baking that yummy chicken recipe instead of deep frying it. Maybe you need to recruit some good old fashioned help- and it’s everywhere! A personal trainer, a nutritionist to challenge the old mindsets and poor relationship with food, a walking buddy, an accountability partner as it comes to your intended regimen— and if all else fails go ahead and register for classes on YouTube University! There’s information at your fingertips so ignorance is NOT an excuse and neither is financial strain or little time. All of this makes a huge difference when you decide just one or 2 areas of well being isn’t enough - you want the FULL package of God's greatness with every part of you in alignment and ready for maximum service with no limits! You CAN do it! YES it matters!