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Going through the motions (Church, home, Bible study, family, rinse and repeat) : A remedy for Christians who are burned out on the monotony of “Church life.”

Sheridan Tennant-Straube
Christians on a merry go round who are burned out on the monotony of “Church life.”

Do I have any PKs (Pastor's Kids) in the crowd? Or maybe some folks like me whose mom wasn’t an ordained minister but may as well have been? Basically, church was your primary extracurricular activity growing up. So we memorize the routine - and maybe even start to follow in that path as adults or with our own kids until somewhere along the way it’s not really generating any true joy - it’s just part of life. When David said “restore unto me the joy of thy salvation” (Ps. 51:12) I’m pretty sure he was looking down the hallway of time at some of us too. You can absolutely be doing “God things” and have zero joy or fulfillment doing it because it’s just routine - it’s not a fresh vibrant relationship anymore. So let’s cut to the chase — what do we do? 

Get Back to basics. Do you love Jesus? (Well of COURSE I do, Sheri, what kind of question is that?!) Ok then — why ? (Duh! because He first loved me.. He saved my soul.. He cleansed me from all unrighteousness…) Alright stop. All I hear is “wah wah wah wahh” like the teacher in Peanuts. For those of you reading this that are in a romantic relationship or even have a super close best friend - if I asked you why do you love that person or keep them close would you say “because they have good strong qualities and they’re respectable human beings”? Gosh I hope not. Jesus DID save our souls,  cleanse us and loved us first. And that is AWESOME. But why do YOU love Him? Those actions are about His love for YOU, but what makes you love Him back and want to keep getting closer to Him? Has He lovingly kept your secrets? Has He given you a sense of joy at a time when joy seemed impossible to attain? Has He healed you miraculously ? Has His presence ever entered your room in a dark time and just brought you to overwhelmed tears? Has He spoken answers to questions no one else knew you even had? Have you felt Him laugh at your corny jokes ? Has your time of worship with Him ever left you utterly speechless ? Sheesh my heart is welling up as I go. Time to stop just doing doing doing “for God” and maybe cut back on the church activities (especially if you’re doing them just out of obligation or at someone’s guilt laden prodding). Maybe hop off the Ferris wheel for a season, hand over the apron and give someone else a chance to flex their volunteer muscles and just enjoy your lover for a while. Go for a nature walk. Join a Bible study group that you can just participate in and not always be the leader. Go volunteer somewhere outside of church that you’ve always wanted to and experience and share God's love there. Find a new devotional, a new Bible translation, or ask the Holy Spirit to choose a theme you want to study in the Bible to deepen your faith. In other words- keep things fresh! One of the worst marriage romance killers is familiarity. The motions, the rote words, the predictability. Jesus likes to go on dates and change things up too! He’s just as bored with your stale routine with Him as you are — and He never asked you to do that. There’s NOTHING wrong with being disciplined and determining that you’ll aim to have quality time with the Lord daily —but how that looks can evolve. Let me give a personal example:

Before I had my daughters (18 months apart = 2 under 2 at almost 40… pray for us, Saints!) I was a machine. I mean- workouts on point and consistent, daily devotion time like clockwork, one hour, no interruptions, every morning since I was a child. I worked as a youth leader and sang in the band.  I felt like God's best soldier. And then- 2am feedings became a thing. I was crushed. A painful death to my precious PRECIOUS routines not to mention my no more 6 pack abs. I barely recognized myself and I was so discouraged. I felt like the Lord was like — what the heck Sheri ? Falling asleep on me AGAIN?! 

And then — wisdom and guidance from my mentor mamas and my own Mama began to sink in. The Lord did not need me to somehow keep that past routine alive amidst a complete overhaul of my life as I knew it. He needed me to invite Him along and abide with Him. When I FINALLY got that down in my spirit oooohh what joy and peace returned! God didn’t need my routines - I did! He just wanted ME! Messy, little sleep, covered in baby puke at 3am me. And I started to worship as I paced with the baby. I read a scripture on my phone before I passed out. I listened to worship and sermons on the car rides to the pediatrician. I prayed  blessings over my girls as I changed their diapers in the dark-Jesus was there for it all! I knew days would return when I could blissfully read the Word for a solid hour again if I wanted. I could return to the worship team and join the fun church things. I could do it all - or none of it - as long as it was at God's prompting, and genuinely what was on my heart and in keeping with my family needs. But for now- it was beautiful chaotic random moments of loving on Jesus roller coaster life- and we loved it together!

So- what do we conclude ? Block out all the shoulds and what Sister So And So is doing. You and Jesus Keep it fresh. Keep it diverse. Stay romantic and spontaneous - appreciate Him whenever, wherever, and watch the sparks begin to fly again. 

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