Let me not ruffle feathers — too much— and risk being quoted as saying prayer is not enough. But… prayer is not enough. (Ooooooo I’m gunna get it!)
Ok- stick with me...
Prayer is our communication with God, incorporating and in alignment with His word, declaring what we desire to see in our lives or on behalf of others. It is a POWERFUL circumstance altering force I believe in with all of my heart and utilize in my walk with Jesus constantly as His word commands; (James 5:16 & 1 Thess. 5:16-18)
BUT ALSO… there is work involved.
As you navigate for the first time or first time in a long time the emotional challenges or needed behavior modifications in your life, as a Christian your first step most DEFINITELY should be to pray and get God's perspective on your situation- and then there should be an associated action to walk in line with whatever the Lord instructs..
Let’s look at it like this: say you’re struggling with your health - blood pressure to be specific. And let’s say it is truly to such an alarming extent that your doctor has said you need medication, diet change, exercise the whole 9. Now, you most certainly can and should go before the Father and lay out your concerns, present Him with the prognosis and seek His wisdom and help. BUT ALSO— you gotta cut the steak, add the greens, manage your stress and hit the treadmill. Do YOUR part to live in keeping with what you’re believing for— your wholeness! James 2:17 says “faith without works is dead!” So why would mental health issues be an exception ??
Pray about what’s hurting you or what you’re recognizing as a recurring poor habit of the mind or unbecoming behavior - yes indeed- and then make a therapy appointment. We all need help! And in the context of Christian counseling which is my area of focus, Jesus isn’t exactly in the waiting room skimming magazines while you grab the tissues and unload your baggage to your clinician. He’s in the room, too! He’s an active participant, guiding the discussion, prodding the clinician to ask certain questions and tugging at your heart to say the painful thing you’ve been suppressing so your freedom can come forth (“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 KJV)
So- please continue to prioritize prayer, it is as essential to we believers as the air we breathe, but also, take advantage of the supportive resources God has provided as PART of His answer to your prayer, seek wise Godly counsel for your issues, and let’s get whole and back in the game as quick as we can!