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“Less is More in ‘24” is OUT the Door! It's Time to THRIVE in '25!

Sheridan Tennant-Straube

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t see 2024 coming! So much change, so much loss, so much uncertainty. When I started repeating that “less is more in ‘24” phrase with peers and friends, I was imagining some lofty things like “less stress, more calm” or “less clutter,  more organization,” and  “less excuses, more intentionality.” Pridefully-I was also aiming for “less baby weight and more hot mom bod” after welcoming my 2nd born towards the end of 2023! But what I got was - a few less connections, less funtivities and more crisis management, less outings and more inside time as with the ridiculous inflation and skyrocketing prices there was also less financial flexibility! Sheesh! 

But…. Because God is so good and no year survived is one to complain about, I can also say that at this juncture, just a stones throw away from the new year: 

  • I have less fruitless worry and more faith 

  • Less frustration and rigidity, more flexibility

  • Less quantity in some areas - but most certainly more quality in my life. 

This year has taught me to, once again, put first things first. It has taught me that my life and my value are not tied to the unpredictable and to some degree uncontrollable happenings in our government, economy, careers or even our environment. My life’s worth is tied to Jesus - His Kingdom come, His will being done on earth as it is in heaven. I was reminded of the simple blessing of loving my babies, enjoying my husband, being grateful for my purpose, my health, my mom and her evolution into the mushy grandma she’s wanted the joy to be and the core people who enrich my life. 

I’ve had the honor of counseling many clients in 2024 and watch them shed some weighty burdens - so they can celebrate their “less is more” new beginnings. But it was a costly experience for them. Some lost significant relationships, jobs, and other parts of their lives as they once knew it in pursuit of more mental health and authenticity. 

No, this year was not an easy one. The pruning shears of life did their best work on many of us for sure. But for anyone who knows a thing or two about gardening or rose bushes in particular- for the most beautiful roses to come forth, there has to be an intentional pruning process- cutting away old leaves and branches. To the untrained eye it seems cruel and diminishes this robust looking plant to something half its size and a little pitiful. But ohhhh when spring comes and the pruning shows its wisdom- the robust comeback is undeniable as the rose bush expands into its greatness, having been expertly strengthened by the removal of what seemed to represent life but was merely dead weight. 

Are you there? A little scraggly and worn out from the “less is more” process of 24? Never you fear! Because just around the corner is your beautiful comeback. It’s time to THRIVE in ‘25! God is the master gardener of our souls. As we stay connected to Him in this new year, may we burst forth with wholeness, vigor and a radiance that no one can ignore! 

“I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“Rejoice with singing, you barren one! You who have never given birth, burst into a song of joy and shout, you who have never been in labor! For the deserted wife will have more children than the married one,” says Yahweh. “Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭54‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬


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